Sunday, August 21, 2011

A woman's perspective on the Swiss boxcutter

!±8± A woman's perspective on the Swiss boxcutter

I admit it. I love the intelligent domestic instruments. My most devices tend to be used manually kitchen gizmos. You know, the old reliable: the can opener, peeler, apple corer and a crank is a once in a blue moon when it's time to make an apple pie is.

Back in late 1980, when I started college I decided my Swiss Army knife. No one on campus does not have the tools. Space was limited, so I did not want a box cumbersome instrument. I tried different instrumentsa, a handyman, I keep in my backpack. I was on my life, after all, and prepared me to bail out in any situation that may arise are.

I went to a local cutlery shop, where (a few years ago it was the convenience of shopping on the Internet) to have a wall of knives. After careful evaluation and management of knives, I decided on a mechanical model 53 441 Victorinox knife. Pliers and screwdriver, saw, near the great models and Iknew that they get the job done. The opening was a bonus. I knew that I would use if my opener was in the dishwasher or if I was out. The opener would see much action from my friends for the party in time when a beer or soda bottles need opening.

I wore the Swiss mechanical boxcutter throughout the school. E 'out of your backpack, fanny pack around wallet in my room, the kitchen and where I need my faithful friend. Unfortunately I lost it somehow when I moved from myCollege second apartment in my house.

I went without a boxcutter Switzerland for several years. I'm married. I've seen now, my husband to be very resourceful when it comes to a fix-it or repair small appliances. I gave him a mechanic with his name engraved on the red handle.

I have a pink classic 53 185, because it is a beautiful carnation pink color, small enough to be my key clip was, and the cutest little tool I've ever seen. The file has a sharp nail, toI am most useful to the tip of a small screwdriver, are more classical. I cleaned his nails and filed hundreds of times. In a pinch, when I installed my full size tweezers, small tweezers I've used are removable on my classic pink, hair, eyebrows or to pull a splinter. The mini-blade open cartons, envelopes and difficult to tear open the blister that I sometimes post. The small scissors have seen their share of the work - cutting or trimming my nails strings.

I'm happyVictorinox Swiss Army Knife, it has served me many times in my life. Whenever I have a gift for a friend or family member that all you need, I can not wait for the Swiss Army, and I take a knife, I feel that fit their personality and lifestyle.

I have a leadership model 53 401 Swiss Army knives to my father, who gave an orange grove. The card has an orange peeler, which easily cut through the skin of oranges and citrus. It 'a little' bigger than a classic, but stilllight enough to be carried in a pocket on a daily basis. I also thought it would be easier to manage for him as a classic, because it is larger.

Many of my friends at work have received Lites Signature by me over the years. The clear, elegant colors like ruby ​​and amethyst 55,195 55,191 were estimated and used on a daily basis by the recipient. Most of the time have told my friends who have never thought of buying a Swiss boxcutterfor themselves and can not believe how many times have you felt the need to use one if you bought one.

In 2006, when Wenger Clipper I had was my best friend and my mother will be in Plum Purple Ice Pink Watermelon 16962 and 16959 boxcutter The Swiss have a full size nail clippers on them. Have thanked me several times to practice this gift.

Every time someone graduates from high school or middle school, buy them at full size boxcutter Victorinox Swiss Army.Something memorable, which is packed with features. The Swiss Champ 53501, Deluxe Tinker 53,481 53,861 Ranger and give my favorite models. They are equipped with tools and always elicit a "Wow!" Response from a young man. Many times, the Swiss boxcutter give a young person is their first and everyone remembers their first knife as his special.

Swiss knives are suitable gift for all occasions: birthdays, anniversaries, weddings and groomsmen gifts,Housewarming, thank you, graduation, promotion, Safety Award, every time you want to make a gift that is useful and give different. High quality and interesting gadgets to make Swiss Army knives, the perfect gift choice. You also get the most for your money as a keychain models start at about $ 15 with a large knife to run in the $ 40 - $ 60 off. Most can be engraved for a small fee.

I have two small children, a 1 year and 5 years. I look forward to the day when you and IFather gets a Swiss boxcutter each of them to use and maintain.

A woman's perspective on the Swiss boxcutter

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